
As an admin, we check a lot of boxes on the profile and permission set user interfaces. It can be daunting for admins of large organizations with lots of profiles or permission sets. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could update / insert Field Permissions, Object Permissions, Custom Permissions, App […]

Mass Update Profiles with Dataloader

One thing that all administrators want to know is what is the quality of their data.  How well are contacts populated? How well are accounts populated?  Well, look no further!  Following these steps and custom fields, you too can know how to make this amazing lightning page! Notice on the […]

Data Quality – #ItsBetterInLightning

Update: With Spring ’18, there is a new feature that will allow for taking advantage of mass checking records that meet duplicate criteria and for duplicate record set management.  For more information, check out the release notes! So you’re excited to take advantage of the new duplicate management features, […]

Cleaning Data – Getting Duplicate Rules Active (when failing activation)

Do you ever find it hard to get a list of who has what permissions inside of Salesforce?  Don’t worry, I’ve been there.   There are several objects on the backend that can help you determine this information and, with a little excel magic, you’ll have great documentation or a […]

Who has what permissions?!

Okay, who else has been #StruckByLightning?  It’s okay, raise your hand!  I got hit three times tonight.  Let me tell you about some of the awesome features that I found when doing the prerelease treasurehunt.   1. Assistant This was called the “Salesforce version of Jarvis” during the viewing party.  […]

Struck By Lightning